Hello, this is a blog about painting and collecting 28mm wargames miniatures, wargames campaigns and other stuff. I hope there will be something of interest for you here. If you like what you see I am available for commission work at pjwalke@live.com Also pre-painted minis are available through this blog or from pjwalke@live.com or through Ebay, just search for seller ID: peterw3169
Monday, 29 May 2017
28mm Napoleonic Prince of Orange 1815
William The Prince of Orange at the battles of Quatre Bras & Waterloo 1815.
At last I've managed to find some time to finish my Dutch-Belgian command base for a 'Hundred Days Campaign, featuring William the Prince of Orange. William has come in for some stick over the years but his Chief of staff namely General Baron de Constant Rebecque saved Wellington's reputation by ignoring his order to deploy westward away from Bluchers Prussian army and instead blocked the road to Brussels at Quatre Bras to the French Corps led by Marshall Ney.
William chats with General Chasse, an aide de camp hovers within reach. The figures are all 'Perry miniatures' cos they paint up a treat.
Based on a 75mm diameter round base gives sufficient room for three mounted officers.
The grass tufts and small bushes I made using my flock box (or shock box as I've affectionately call it after touching the charged copper plate on numerous occasions).
Dutch Staff for the Hundred Days Campaign.
General Baron de Constant Rebecque's decision to ignore Wellington's orders and deploy the Nassau and then Dutch-Belgian forces at 'Quatre Bras' saved Wellington from an almighty screw up. General de Rebecque authorized General Perponcher to move one of his brigades, that of Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar to Quatre Bras to challenge Lefebvre-Desnouettes advance of 2000 cavalry on Frasnes just south of Quatre Bras.
General Perponcher on foot with map,General Baron de Constant Rebecque on foot pointing, ADC handing message to mounted Guide and Guide on foot holding Generals horse.
Dutch Militia.
Just two battalions of Dutch militia will suffice for my campaign in addition to one Belgian battalion (almost painted), one Dutch line Battalion and maybe some Dutch light infantry (Chasseurs) to go with a battery of Dutch foot artillery, a regiment of Dutch Hussars (featured in an earlier post) and a regiment of Belgian Carabiniers. So I still have a lot of painting to do.
Anyhow have a Great Bank holiday,
All the Best,