

Sunday, 26 May 2019

Baron Larrey's Ambulance

28mm Baron Larrey's Ambulance and French medical corps vignette.

This project had been started and interrupted and continued for quite a few weeks now. A Perry miniatures set, this is my favourite wagon at the moment as I start to muster vehicles for a baggage  train for my French Napoleonic Army 1812-1815.

The Ambulance volantes Invented by Baron Dominique Jean Larrey (French 8 July 1766 – 25 July 1842) he was a French surgeon in Napoleon's Grande Armée and an important innovator in battlefield medicine and triage. He is often considered the first modern military surgeon. Despite being exposed to danger, he worked tirelessly to rescue soldiers, sometimes participating in combat, seeing four wounded soldiers being stripped of valuables by the Prussians, Larrey led a charge of his dragoon escort against the Prussians and rescued the soldiers. The wounded were loaded into his ambulances and escorted to the rear, where he operated on them and saved all their lives.

This is quite a substantial vignette for me, I managed to paint in detail the interior of the cabin also  the wounded inside, then realised that when the roof and doors were attached I could barely see any of the interior, ho hum :p

Anyhow here's a few pictures.

The ambulance itself was airbrushed in an attempt to achieve a flat coat of colour, plasticard basing with dirt terrain effects, there are horses hoof marks on the base but impossible to photograph though. The grass tufts, nettles and bush I'd made earlier.

The surgeons, medical orderlies and drivers all have distinctly different uniforms, I tend to use the following website for most of my Napoleonic reference:

Anyhow, off now to paint loads more stuff.
All the Best,