

Saturday, 30 November 2019

28mm Napoleonic French Generals II

28mm French generals from Perry Miniatures.

Just released a few weeks ago, I purchased these really neat French Napoleonic personalities from Perry miniatures Napoleonic range. I had to hit them with my brush just to see how they turned out, pictures below:

General Franceschi-Delonne

Marshal Lannes

General Fournier-Sarloveze

General Lasalle

General Pajol

General Pully

In conclusion: 

I think these are the most inspirational set of minis I've painted for a long time. Superbly animated poses and a real mix of uniforms. I just realised that a new British staff set is available from Perry so I wouldn't mind having a crack at that in the New Year.

What'll be next? I have two small 500 point biblical armies; New Kingdom Egyptian and Nubian from Wargames Foundry on the painting bench as well as hopefully upgrading my World War Two platoons, also there's the long delayed English Civil War project, as well some terrain, buildings and animals.

All the Best and Happy Painting,

Sunday, 24 November 2019

British Foot Artillery & French Line horse Artillery.

Below are the two batteries I've managed to complete over the preceeding weeks, a battery of British Royal Foot artillery and also a battery of French Line horse artillery for my Napoleonic Wargames Campaign.

The Britsh battery comprises 9 pounder long guns and a howitzer. The three models represent a six gun battery.

The french battery comprises 6 pounder long guns and a howitzer.

Based on plasticard with a fronatge of 60mm and depth of 80mm, the figures are supplied by Perry miniatures.

28mm British Foot Artillery Battery.


28mm French Line Horse Artillery Battery.


Also I've finished the New Perry release of French Generals, so that will be the next upload.

Best Regards,

Sunday, 20 October 2019

28mm Napoleonic French 1st Cuirassier Regiment

1st French Cuirassier Regiment.

This is the first complete French Cuirassier regiment I've completed in a long time, I may add the 10th Cuirassier Regiment hopefully before the end of the year.

Based on 20mm frontage per figure these are Perry miniatures sculpts for my 1812-15 Napoleonic period campaign.

 The flag is by GMB designs, I fray the edges of the flag with a sharp knife paint a dark undercoat then paint gold on the fringes and nails securing the flag to the pole.

All my cavalry regiments are 12 figures strong, I may numerically upgrade the Imperial Guard cavalry regiments in due course. After rebasing most of my current cavalry regiments in line with the WRG rules I'm going to use, I found the tighter basing makes them easier to store.

I'm hoping to experiment with an old school WRG ruleset '1685-1845 rules' after managing to buy a mint copy of the army lists on Ebay a while ago. The army lists include armies from the Revolutionary Wars, Asian Wars, Near East and of course the Napoleonic era.
Also try to acquire some relevant maps produced by the operational studies group at: for my future programmed Late Napoleonic campaign.

Anyhow next up will be mostly Napoleonic French artillery.
All the Best,

Sunday, 22 September 2019

28mm Napolenic British Royal Horse Artillery 'G troop'

Completed this week, this is G troop Royal Horse artillery for my Napoleonic Wargames Campaign, I've given them 6 pounder long guns and a howitzer. The three models represent a six gun battery. I hope to add the horse trains at some point, the 6 pounders were dragged by  teams of six horses, whilst the 9 pounders were pulled by teams of eight horses.

Just prior to Waterloo this battery was upgraded to 9 pounders and the commander temporarily replaced by Captain Mercer writer of the: Journal of the Waterloo Campaign.

Based on plasticard with a fronatge of 60mm and depth of 80mm, the figures are supplied by Perry miniatures, nice clean figures and a joy to paint.

I'm having a lot of trouble taking decent pictures of my work, probably because I'm just using a mobile phone camera and it's getting visibly darker earlier in the day as we head through to autumn.

Also I've finished the 1st Regiment of French Cuirassiers so that will be the next upload hopefully.

Best Regards,