

Friday, 30 July 2021

28mm Early Imperial Roman 3rd Legionary Cohort

 Finished and photographed today 😀 this is the 3rd and final legionary cohort for my Early Imperial Roman Army or so I thought; But I found out that Aventine miniatures maybe selling off their Early Imperial Range (and their Greeks as well), so I've ordered some more legionaries and auxiliary cavalry, plus I'm hoping to acquire some Equites Singulares and boost the Praetorians to a full cohort, just in case they do.

Anyhow Below is the 3rd cohort I've finished painting, the cloth standard or vexillum shows the legions name and number, the other standard shows a hand which may represent a manipular formation, the discs may represent the cohorts actual number i.e. '5'. I suppose I could have cut 2 of the discs off to represent the 3rd cohort!

That'll be it for the Romans for awhile as I'm waiting for new minis from Aventine to arrive in the Post, so I may finish off something pretty random for next months post.

All the Best and happy painting,


Tuesday, 20 July 2021

28mm Early Imperial Roman Ballista

This will start off my Legionary artillery, a 30mina stone thrower, it will have quite a range on the gaming table in hope of flushing out enemy troops trying ambush my Romans. Mostly manned by ordinary legionary rank and file, the legion did have a small specialist cadre to supervise maintenance and training.

Comprising of a Ballista acquired from 'Warlord Games', I retained the engine but discarded the associated crew for being too diminutive, I replaced them with Some Aventine Miniatures; A legionary and two figures from an auxiliary command pack.

 Based on plasticard base 60mm x 80mm with dirt, grass tufts etc. The crew are in the act of launching a 30 mina stone (33lbs or 15Kg in weight).



The Roman legion had its own artillery, apparently 1 stone throwing engine and 6 light scorpio bolt shooters per cohort. With 10 cohorts in a legion that gives 10 Ballista and 60 scorpios per legion. My 6th edition WRG rules uses a ratio of 1 model to represent 5 engines, so that would give me 2 Ballista models and 12 scorpios per legion.

I'm only going to have 3 cohorts of legionaries, so I'm limiting that to 1 Ballista model representing a 30mina stone thrower as pictured above and 3 scorpios (1 per cohort.) for my army.

Anyhow next on the painting bench will be the 3rd Legionary Cohort, I was thinking of adding a baggage train and encampment, so I'll see if time permits.

All the Best,
