

Monday, 21 November 2022

28mm Goblin Chieftain's chariot

I'm continuing with my "Old Skool" Fantasy project with a 28mm Goblin Chieftain's Chariot. Originally these miniatures were available from 'Games Workshop' in the 1980s if I remember correctly. I acquired this unpainted from eBay in really good condition with no missing parts.

As I'm trying to build a couple of Fantasy Hordes for my 'Dragon Rampant rules' comprising a Goblin army and a hobbit army, I've been drawn into starting an orc army as well. The boars are really evocative of these older metal miniatures. Regarding the paint job, I like my goblin green skins more of a darker hue rather than the bright green of older days.

So far referring to the 'Dragon Rampant Rules' army lists with slight modifications for the chariot, I've painted;
4x Units of Goblin Warriors, Type: Light Foot, 3points per base, mixed weapons +3points = 6points per base

1x Unit of Goblin Overlord and bodyguards in chariot, Type: Heavy Riders = 6points

Goblin Army strength = 30 points

The Chariot is based on a frontage of 80mm depth 100mm with homemade tufts, rocks, small tree scratch-built and the mushrooms come from 'Forlorn Hope games'.

This week I've acquired some hobbits from 'Forlorn Hope Games' but I'm trying to get some trolls next, probably from eBay. I'm not sure whether I need 2 or 3 miniatures for a unit of trolls.

All the Best, Peter.