

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

28mm Late Republican Roman Army

Hi There, I've decided to have a go at finishing some of my Romans, I have two Roman armies at the moment.

The first is a Late Roman Republican Army, the second is a Ceasarian Roman army both are from the Civil War period  and can either be combined into a larger force or can fight a civil war campaign against each other.

The Late Republican army is based upon the army that fought Julius Caesar, consisting of Roman legionaries and a number of allies and auxiliaries including at least one elephant, Numidian light cavalry, Gallic cavalry, Spanish cavalry and light infantry skirmishers (caetrati). The army is finished but I'll try to increase the detail on command figures and maybe add a camplife vignette etc.

Loyalist Roman legionaries ready to do battle against Julius Caesar for the Senate.
All the shields are handpainted - I don't use transfers.
Cavalry contingent consisting of Gallic mercenaries.

The Command stand (Wargames Foundry miniatures).

Light Cavalry provided by the Numidian Ally Juba I.
A small African Forest elephant crewed by Roman Legionaries (elephant manufactured by Aventine miniatures, all the crew are Foundry miniatures).

                                    Late Republican Roman Army 1000 points WRG 6th edition rules

Late Republican Roman Army 1000 points Wargames Research Group 6th edition rules.
No.59 Late Republican Roman Army, Romes Civil Wars.

1 commander in chief @100 points = 100 points

24 Armoured Legionaries, 'Regular C', Heavy Infantry, HTW, Shield @ 6 points = 144 points
1 regular command factor @ 10 points = 10 points

24 Armoured Legionaries, 'Regular C', Heavy Infantry, HTW, Shield @ 6 points = 144 points
1 regular command factor @ 10 points = 10 points

24 Armoured Legionaries, 'Regular C', Heavy Infantry, HTW, Shield @ 6 points = 144 points
1 regular command factor @ 10 points = 10 points

24 Armoured Legionaries, 'Regular C', Heavy Infantry, HTW, Shield @ 6 points = 144 points
1 regular command factor @ 10 points = 10 points

8 Spanish Caetrati Javelimen, 'Irregular C', Light Infantry, Javelins, shield, @ 3 points = 24 points
1 irregular command factor @ 25 points = 25 points

6 Spanish Medium Cavalry, 'Irregular C', Medium Cavalry, javelins, shield, @ 6 points = 36 points
1 irregular command factor @ 25 points = 25 points

6 Gallic Medium Cavalry, 'Irregular B', Medium Cavalry, javelins, shield, @ 7 points = 42 points
1 irregular command factor @ 25 points = 25 points

6 Numidian Light Cavalry, 'Irregular C', Light Cavalry, javelins, shield, @ 6 points = 36 points
1 irregular command factor @ 25 points = 25 points

1 Elephant with unarmed driver & 2 crew, Heavy Infantry, Javelins, sh @ 40points = 40 points
1 irregular command factor @ 25 points = 25 points

Grand Total 1019 points

Reprints of the Wargames Research Group (WRG) 6th edition rules are available at:

Alternatively checkout especially for the three books of army lists.


  1. beautifully painted, I don't understand how they could not be more praised!

  2. Hi, That link to the rules is not working. Do you have an updated link?

  3. Hi John I just updated the link:
    it should work now, Best regards Peter.


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