

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Armies and Enemies of Louis the XIV and the The French-Dutch War of 1672-1678

The Dutch Regiments: I've continued to build the Dutch foot Regiments for my French-Dutch war, Regiment van Palm (sapherson regt.14) is complete (see previous blog), now it is the turn of Regiment Schwarzenberg (sapherson regt.35) 

WIP: Dutch Schwarzenberg Regiment op Friesland 1674 (sapherson regt.No.35), the command stand will comprise 2 ensigns with flags, 1 drummer and 1 sergeant.

The Drum has the Friesland state coat of arms on it, a two yellow lions passant on a blue shield. The Drummer wears a coat of reversed colours with white hoops on the arms.

Dutch pike block will consist of 4 pikemen. The sash is orange indicating that it is serving in the army of the United Provinces.

Basing finished and a final spray of Testors dullcote matt varnish flattens the paint effects. I have to add the Colonel's white flag when I finish it and shorten the flag poles. The flag is hand painted on metal foil, this will allow me to fold and warp it to give a windy effect to the flag when I have the time.

History. The regiment was founded in 1633, it fought at the battle of Seneffe (in the Spanish Netherlands) in 1674 fought between the French under the command of Louis Bourbon Prince de Conde and the Dutch-German-Spanish army under William of Orange.

colonels: 1688 Watzo van Burmania. 1691 Johann Wilhelm II herzog von Saxe-Eisenach

Uniform notes:
Ribbons were worn on the hats, sometimes on officers shoulders, holding up the stockings and also on the shoes. Specific colours denoted which provinces sponsored each regiment generally they are as follows:

Holland - red & white
Friesland - blue & yellow
Utrecht - black & yellow
Groningen - red & white
Overjissel - red
Gelderland - blue & red or black & red
Zealand - red & white

Reference: Colour plates from the archives of the Collectie Legermuseum Delft.

Apparently the flag on the left is regiment Aylva, the flag on the right is regiment Schwarzenberg, contrary to the regiment id on the print. (Les armees qui combattirent Loius XIV).


  1. Beautiful paint job. I especially like the flag. Yet, I'm terribly sorry to say that it isn't the flag of regiment Aylva, but that of regiment Schwarzenberg (Sapherson no.35, Burmania 1688, Saxe-Eisenach 1691).

    Aylva carried a flag of alternate red and white wavy piles, surmounted by a golden war trophy and the cypher HWA: Hans Willem van Aylva.

    1. Hi, thank you for your comment, are you sure the plate numbers aren't the wrong way around on your reference? with Schwarzenberg as Aylva and vice versa? I used reference from the 'Collectie Legermuseum Delft' which shows Regiment Schwarzenburg with red & white wavy piles.

  2. True, yet this info is from the 1920's. 'New' research by Jean Belaubre and Dr. De Wilde in the 1970's (Les armées qui combattirent Louis XIV) point to the left one as being Aylva's. With a little imagination, his cypher HWA can be seen beneath the crown.

    1. Hi, I'll go with your logic and rename the regiment as Schwarzenberg (sapherson regt.35), I was trying to collect regiments that fought at Seneffe 1674. Sapherson has regiment no.35 at Seneffe, I'm hoping this is correct.

  3. Both Aylva and Schwarzenberg were present at Seneffe, hence the confusion ;)

  4. Marvellous work, thank you for sharing!


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