

Thursday, 7 November 2013

WW2 in 28mm (1/56th scale) British Armoured Platoon 1944-1945

The Sherman mk.Vc 'Firefly' circa.1944

The 23rd Hussars Tank Regiment.

Continuing with my British armoured platoon of 1944 -1945 European Theater of War, I decided my infantry needed some armour for the 1944 Normandy to the battle of the Bulge scenarios. So I picked up a Sherman firefly complete with 17 pounder gun for some firepower.

Die Waffenkammer make a really nice Sherman mkVc firefly so I thought I give it a go.

 The tracks are separate but come fitted to the hull by the manufacterer so that a perfect effect is ensured, I wish all manufacturers could be this diligent! This does save a lot of frustration...I mean it really does.

A superb clean model, I actually followed the manufacturer's instructions and did wash it with detergent to remove any release agent that might be left on the model from the manufacturing process.

Then I primed it with a medium grey matt enamel paint., followed by a dark green paint.

I got a bit carried away and forgot to take pictures for each stage of the painting process, but it was a surprisingly quick job. Then just add the waterslide transfer decals, let them dry out and add a weathering effect over the whole vehicle.

The '51' decals show the red senior tank regiment of the Brigade, in this case the 23rd Hussars was the senior regiment above the 3rd Royal Tank Regiment and the 2nd Fife & Forfar regiments of the Brigade 

The Red triangle denotes 'A' squadron

Die waffenkamer provides a lot of extras with their model, stowage, seperate tracks and a tank commander, here I have a die waffenkamer tankie with a Warlord games tank commander. The aerial was added from some garden wire.

 The Yellow decal with a black bull denotes it is a tank of the 11th Armoured Division

The gun barrel has a wavy line down it to make it look like the shorter 75mm barrel used on the Mark V Sherman tanks used by the British in 1944. Disguising the fact that it is a 17 pounder tank buster gun instead.

Next post I might feature some stuff I'm flogging on ebay.



  1. Very Nice mate! :) Did you paint the gun Pattern or is that a decal?

    If it is a decal where did you get it from.
    If it isn't a decal great job!


    1. Hi Vincenzo, the pattern on the gun is hand-painted in Humbrol enamel matt paint starting with light grey and then working up to white, All the Best, Peter.


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