

Sunday, 26 January 2014

28mm French Revolutionary Armies & Enemies

28mm French Revolutionary Armies & Enemies.

A project which has interested me for a long time when I stumbled across Brigade Games' 28mm French revolutionary miniatures some months ago and purchased 1 battalion of 24 figures to create a line battalion for either the Army of the North or Napoleon Bonaparte's Italian and Egyptian campaigns.  I'll add some pictures of these revolutionary infantry at a later date as I am halfway through painting the figures.

So I thought I add some pictures of General Brune I managed to finish this week, the figure is manufactured by Trent miniatures and available unpainted from the 'North Star' website

General Guillaume-Marie-Anne Brune.
Painted in Oils Enamels & Acrylics to get the best colours available.

The French General commande in Italy 1798 and  Holland 1799.

He wears a scarf around his waist in Revolutionary Colours. 
18th Regiment de Ligne Italian campaign 1792-1797.

These 28mm French Revolutionary miniatures are available unpainted from

The 24 figure battalion will form 1 battalion of 3 in a demi-brigade, they all have similar flags for the Italian and Egyptian campaigns. I am currently working on a handpainted flag on metal foil, I will add pictures when they're available.

Also a Trent miniatures Napoleon Bonaparte as Consul on the Italian campaign, Picture to follow.

Cheerio for now. 


  1. Peter, fine work & a delightful if unappreciated period in Napoleonic /Revolutionary Wars - fine figures by Brigade Games ............

    1. Cheers :) Yes, they're really nice figures by Brigade which I think need a lot more exposure than they're getting at the moment. I'll try and finish the rest off and put the pics up.
      All the Best, Peter.


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