

Sunday, 26 January 2014

28mm French Revolutionary Armies & Enemies

28mm French Revolutionary Armies & Enemies.

A project which has interested me for a long time when I stumbled across Brigade Games' 28mm French revolutionary miniatures some months ago and purchased 1 battalion of 24 figures to create a line battalion for either the Army of the North or Napoleon Bonaparte's Italian and Egyptian campaigns.  I'll add some pictures of these revolutionary infantry at a later date as I am halfway through painting the figures.

So I thought I add some pictures of General Brune I managed to finish this week, the figure is manufactured by Trent miniatures and available unpainted from the 'North Star' website

General Guillaume-Marie-Anne Brune.
Painted in Oils Enamels & Acrylics to get the best colours available.

The French General commande in Italy 1798 and  Holland 1799.

He wears a scarf around his waist in Revolutionary Colours. 
18th Regiment de Ligne Italian campaign 1792-1797.

These 28mm French Revolutionary miniatures are available unpainted from

The 24 figure battalion will form 1 battalion of 3 in a demi-brigade, they all have similar flags for the Italian and Egyptian campaigns. I am currently working on a handpainted flag on metal foil, I will add pictures when they're available.

Also a Trent miniatures Napoleon Bonaparte as Consul on the Italian campaign, Picture to follow.

Cheerio for now. 

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Armies and Enemies of Louis the XIV and the The French-Dutch War of 1672-1678

The French Regiments: I've continued to build the French foot Regiments for my French-Dutch war, I think it'll consist of 5 Regiments including; Garde Suisse, Picardie, Normandie, Navarre and du Roi , these regiments were at the battle of Seneffe 1674. This I reckon is a reasonable start, then I'll follow with the siege artillery train for both French and Dutch armies together with a couple of vignettes.

Picardie Regiment 1674.

The Picardie Regimental flag is the red flag, the colonels is the white flag.
The flags are made using tin foil which is flexible and allows the flag to be curled even after the paint has fully dried. The tassels and scarves on the flag poles are from 'Front Rank'.

Picardie Regiment 1672.
Normandie Regiment 1672.
WIP French drummers.

WIP French drummers.
The Drum is of wooden construction so I've left it plain brown. The Drummer wears Royal livery of a  blue coat with white lace with red and blue squares. I'll add a detailed picture of the drummers lace later on.

The command stand sans drummer.

The pikeblock.

French pike block. A sash would be white indicating that it is serving in the French army. Armour seems to be in use in this war, a hat replaced the helmet by the later 17th century.

The figures are 28mm tall and are available unpainted from North Star.

I'm hoping to create a mini campaign based on the French-Dutch war 0f 1672-78 using the 'The Perfect Captains' Battle Finder system, Tinker Fox campaign system and a la Hunguenotte available for free from:

The a la Huguenotte addon has terrain cards specifically for the Low countries (Holland etc.)

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Armies and Enemies of Louis the XIV and the The French-Dutch War of 1672-1678

Armies and Enemies of Louis the XIV and the The French-Dutch War of 1672-1678

The Cavalry.

At last the latest installment to my armies of the French Dutch war are the cavalry. Each army will have 2 small regiments of horse and 4 regiments of infantry (covered in several earlier posts) based on the forces at the battle of Seneffe 1674. I was hoping to finish this project early this year, then gradually add extra regiments as I found the time to paint them.

French Cavalry Regiment Cuirassier du Roi.
This cavalry regiment was present at the battle of Seneffe 1974. A regiment in the Maison du Roi it was paid for directly by King Louis XIV of France.  A contingent of 400 men were present at the battle.

This cavalry regiment was the only French regiment at Seneffe to wear steel back and breast plate armour, that I know of, all the rest wore just coats or buff leather coats either over or under their uniform. Carrying a blue flag with silver design of a face surrounded by rays, the motto on the flag reads 'Nec Pluribus Impar'.

Uniforms are blue coats with red facings (cuffs), buff coloured breeches silver buttons and white sashes to denote service in the French army and buff hats, Louis XIV had a hatred of grey hats apparently.

French Cavalry Regiment La Reine
Also present at the battle was the cavalry regiment La Reine.

Uniforms are grey coats with red facings (cuffs), buff coloured breeches yellow buttons and white sashes to denote service in the French army with mainly black hats. One or two troopers wear buff coats for added protection. The horse furniture consisted of a red shabraque edged in blue with white lace detail. The trumpeter wears a uniform unique to the regiment.

Dutch Cavalry Regiment No.10 formed in 1672
This cavalry regiment would be Lodewijk Christiaan Graaf van Wittgenstein in 1674, possibly present at the battle of Seneffe 1674. In 1676 the colonel was Albert Ferdinand Graff van Berlo.

Uniform details & sources: Gerpines andd Wagner agree on the facing colours (red cuffs, red waistcoat, red breeches), Wagner and Belaubre say the coat was a dark grey colour. The shabraque was red laced white (silver lace for the officers). A white flag would be the Colonel's/Regiment's flag, a green flag for the squadron.

The officers jacket is red laced silver, the trumpeters jacket a brown colour (burnt sienna) with white hoops on the arms, the trooper's jackets are a darker grey. I have added a few with buff coats for protection. All wear the orange sash to denote service in the army of the the United Provices.

I haven't found the motto for the flag yet, I'll add the lettering if I do. I'm acquiring a copy of Wargames Illustrated #173 february 2002 with Mark Allens article on William III Dutch cavalry.

Just figured out Mark Allens handwriting the motto is 'PACEM ARMIS QUERO' loosely translated as: 'peace by force of arms'.

All the squadrons have 6 figures at the moment to aid completion of the project.

The Dutch Army so far:

The Dutch Army 1674
Regiment Schwarzenberg closeup.
I have one more Dutch regiment of Foot and one of Horse to add at a later date. Then next the siege artillery train and command vignettes.