

Friday, 16 April 2021

28mm Early Imperial Roman Legionary 1st Cohort

 At last I've managed to finish  the Roman 1st Cohort of my Early Imperial Roman Army introduced in the last blog post. Being the senior cohort of a legion it holds the Imperial Legions' Eagle carried by the Aquilifer also known to be the Legions paymaster.

These legionairies are clearly confused by the meandering road, Roman policy dictates that the locals need educating in the necessity of straight lines and therefore straight roads.

These miniatures were aquired from 'Aventine Miniatures', after painting them in enamels, oils and acrylics, I based them on plasticard, four figures to a base, frontage 60mm, depth 20mm to conform to my copy of 'Wargames research Group' 6th Edition Ancient rules. 

This Early Imperial Roman wargames army will initially be only 1250 points as detailed in a forthcoming blog post.

Next on the painting table is a unit of 12 Cataphractarii, a unit of 'Super Heavy' armoured Cavalry, in a very compact formation.

Also I have a hankering to paint up a Biblical New Kingdom Egyptian Army while I wait for the remainder of my Aventine Romans to be delivered.

All the Best for now,



  1. Awesome painting and great looking Aventine Miniatures Roman Unit
    All the best,


    1. Cheers Phil :)
      I think Aventine make some really nice minis, a pleasure to paint.

  2. Excellent looking Romans Peter!


  3. Cheers Christopher, have a Great weekend.

  4. Gosh, these a superb!
    Regards, James


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