

Sunday, 8 May 2022

WW2 1/56th scale German 10.5cm leFH18 Howitzer

 Hi, I thought I'd continue with a German big hitter, the 105mm leFH18 Howitzer, the raw kit is available from 'Warlord Games'. The crew are in cold weather kit, I'd rather not have them caked in snow because I think it looks better that way, there doesn't have to snow on the ground for it to be very cold.

This will provide adequate support for my Wehrmacht Panzer Grenadier platoon, which is currently half finished on my painting bench, it'll need a dedicated tow vehicle, probably an RSO which is almost complete.

I wouldn't normally place this on the gaming table except for special scenarios such as; a counterbattery fire mission, a behind enemy lines commando scenario, or a campaign game in a last ditch scenario etc.

The sandbag gun emplacements were sourced from Baueda miniatures, made out of resin they paint up nicely. The oval base is plastic 115mm x 85mm, winter grass tufts are homemade. 

Anyhow next will be an Forward Observation team and the RSO tow vehicle.

Happy painting,



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