

Sunday, 30 October 2022

28mm Goblin Horde

 In the run up to Christmas I've got into the Fantasy mood.

Here are four stands of 28mm Goblins, somewhat smaller than orcs, they were originally from Mark Copplestone's range I first spotted at Salute a long time ago, these miniatures are now available from 'Black Tree Designs', it did take me an awful long time to track these minis down.

Anyhow I'm trying to build a couple of Fantasy Hordes for my 'Dragon Rampant rules' available from 'Osprey Games'.

I really like the Old School style of minis so these will go up against a small halfling army I'm painting up at the moment from 'Forlorn Hope Miniatures' and Citadels vintage 1985 Lord of the Rings range of minis to fill in the gaps.

These Goblins will be followed by a Goblin Chieftains chariot and a base of Trolls which I have yet to acquire.

So far referring to the Dragon Rampant army lists I've painted;
Unit: Warriors, Type: Light Foot, 3points per base, mixed weapons +3points = 6points per base

4 bases x 6 points = 24 points

All based on a frontage of 80mm depth 40mm with homemade tufts.

Unfortunately, I haven't actually had time to try the rules out yet, hoping to do so over the upcoming holidays.

All the Best, Peter.


  1. They look fabulous, my orca and goblins from my Warhammer days are in my son’s collection in Australia.


  2. Cool I bet he had fun playing with them :)


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