

Friday, 9 December 2022

Snitgob the Mountain Troll

Hi everyone, I've managed to complete this Mountain Troll, part of my Goblin Army for the 'Dragon Rampant' fantasy rules.

Acquired from Ral Partha miniatures U.K. this metal kit comes in three parts plus a round base (not used here), I've painted it in enamels and oils with a matt varnish, the tree stump on the ground is an extra bit I added to the scene to create a mini vignette.

 I suppose Snitgob isn't the brains of the outfit but what he doesn't have 'up top' he makes up with brawn.

This mini stands about 55mm tall so he towers over his goblin chums.

Each army element has a frontage of 60mm and depth of 30mm, textured earth with grass tufts nettle bushes and ferns.

So now the 'Dragon Rampant' Goblin Army consists of:

1x Unit of Goblin Overlord and bodyguards in chariot, Type: Heavy Riders = 6points

4x Units of Goblin Warriors, Type: Light Foot, 3points per base, mixed weapons +3points = 6points per base

1x Unit of a single Troll, Type: Heavy Foot = 6points

Goblin Army strength = 36 points

I've been scouting out some Dwarves as well, not sure when I'll be ordering them yet as I have to acquire some more hobbits.

Anyhow All the Best,


Monday, 21 November 2022

28mm Goblin Chieftain's chariot

I'm continuing with my "Old Skool" Fantasy project with a 28mm Goblin Chieftain's Chariot. Originally these miniatures were available from 'Games Workshop' in the 1980s if I remember correctly. I acquired this unpainted from eBay in really good condition with no missing parts.

As I'm trying to build a couple of Fantasy Hordes for my 'Dragon Rampant rules' comprising a Goblin army and a hobbit army, I've been drawn into starting an orc army as well. The boars are really evocative of these older metal miniatures. Regarding the paint job, I like my goblin green skins more of a darker hue rather than the bright green of older days.

So far referring to the 'Dragon Rampant Rules' army lists with slight modifications for the chariot, I've painted;
4x Units of Goblin Warriors, Type: Light Foot, 3points per base, mixed weapons +3points = 6points per base

1x Unit of Goblin Overlord and bodyguards in chariot, Type: Heavy Riders = 6points

Goblin Army strength = 30 points

The Chariot is based on a frontage of 80mm depth 100mm with homemade tufts, rocks, small tree scratch-built and the mushrooms come from 'Forlorn Hope games'.

This week I've acquired some hobbits from 'Forlorn Hope Games' but I'm trying to get some trolls next, probably from eBay. I'm not sure whether I need 2 or 3 miniatures for a unit of trolls.

All the Best, Peter.

Sunday, 30 October 2022

28mm Goblin Horde

 In the run up to Christmas I've got into the Fantasy mood.

Here are four stands of 28mm Goblins, somewhat smaller than orcs, they were originally from Mark Copplestone's range I first spotted at Salute a long time ago, these miniatures are now available from 'Black Tree Designs', it did take me an awful long time to track these minis down.

Anyhow I'm trying to build a couple of Fantasy Hordes for my 'Dragon Rampant rules' available from 'Osprey Games'.

I really like the Old School style of minis so these will go up against a small halfling army I'm painting up at the moment from 'Forlorn Hope Miniatures' and Citadels vintage 1985 Lord of the Rings range of minis to fill in the gaps.

These Goblins will be followed by a Goblin Chieftains chariot and a base of Trolls which I have yet to acquire.

So far referring to the Dragon Rampant army lists I've painted;
Unit: Warriors, Type: Light Foot, 3points per base, mixed weapons +3points = 6points per base

4 bases x 6 points = 24 points

All based on a frontage of 80mm depth 40mm with homemade tufts.

Unfortunately, I haven't actually had time to try the rules out yet, hoping to do so over the upcoming holidays.

All the Best, Peter.

Sunday, 19 June 2022

28mm Napoleonic British 95th Rifle Regiment

Hi there, I finished these miniatures last week so I popped them on eBay today hoping for some extra cash.

The 95th Rifles Infantry Regiment has an impressive record throughout the Napoleonic War from the Peninsular campaign to Waterloo.
Under the command of their colonels Major Norcott and Major Ross respectively, the 2nd and 3rd battalions were part of Adam's 3rd Brigade, together with the 52nd Oxfordshire Light Infantry and 71st Highland Light Infantry during the Hundred Days (Waterloo) Campaign. The 1st battalion 95th Rifles commanded by Major Barnard, was part of Kempt's 8th Brigade of Picton's 5th Division also at Waterloo.

This regiment kept their old stove pipe shakos (hats) from the peninsular wars rather like the 28th Gloucester regiment. Their facing colours (cuff and collars) were a black piped white, buttons were silver. Shako badges were probably silver (bugles) for light infantry. The Green plume denoting light infantry status. The officers and senior NCOs wore a crimson sash. Their muskets had a rifled barrel to make the weapon more accurate than its contemporary smoothbore muskets used by the line battalions.

Manufactured by Perry miniatures, these figures are painted in enamels, oils and acrylics and based on black plasticard with grass tufts and dirt textures.

Trained to operate in loose skirmish order as well as close order, just as regular line infantry, forming squares against enemy cavalry charges as necessary, the regiment had elements of three battalions numbering at the battle Waterloo.

I'm taking time out from my World War Two stuff, to finish a Landsknect project for the Italian Wars I'm hoping to do, mostly Wargames Foundry figures with a few Warlord Games pikemen, I'll see how it goes.

All the Best,



Monday, 30 May 2022

WW2 1/56th German Panzer Grenadier 80mm Mortar

 A medium 80mm mortar, the Granatwerfer 34, effective and accurate, provides on call fire support over a modest 2.4km range. This platoon support has its own dedicated sdkfz251 halftrack.

Next post will be a couple of Opel Blitz metal trucks from Ebob miniatures.

All the Best


WW2 1/56th German Panzer Grenadier MG42

 This is one of a variety of company assets used to support the Panzer grenadier Platoon. A Medium Machine Gun, the belt fed MG42 here is mounted on a tripod in sustained fire support role in a defensive position. 

Again these are Warlord Games metal figurines, nice to see a manufacturer supply the bases with all their World War Two minis.

Next will be a mortar for indirect fire support.
All the Best,

WW2 1/56th German Panzer Grenadier Squad 2

 This is the second Wehrmacht Panzer Grenadier squad, it has its own dedicated sdkfz251 halftrack.

As usual these are painted in enamels, oils and acrylics. The winter tufts were made with a flock box and WWS 4mm winter tufts.

Next will be a Heavy Machine Gun on tripod as one of the company supports, I'm using 'Rules of engagement' by Great Escape Games'.
All the Best, Peter.

WW2 1/56th German Panzer Grenadier Squad 1

 This is the first of two Wehrmacht Panzer Grenadier squads, I may expand the platoon to three infantry squads after I finish the Fallschirmjager Platoon  I have planned. 

Warlord Games metal figures from their 'Bolt Action' range, these have a sdkfz251 halftrack as dedicated transport.

Next will be squad 2. 

All the Best, Peter.