

Saturday, 11 September 2021

28mm Early Imperial Roman Equites 2nd Cohort - circa 193AD

 This is the 2nd of the Auxiliary Cavalry Cohorts, whereas the Equites Singulares will be the final cavalry formation of the Army. I picked blue shields to contrast with the yellow of the previous cavalry unit the 1st Cohort Equites, I wasn't sure about the blue colour at first but the look tidy together. 

Shield transfers are supplied by, Figures by &, painted by yours truly. I had a problem acquiring Testors Dullcote varnish so I now use Humbrol matt varnish which seems to be fine.



Based on a frontage of 20mm per figure these dudes are heavy cavalry mostly in chainmail armed with a sword and spear.

Anyhow I getting stuck into some more Romans and I've started my World War 2 U.S. Armored troops and German Wehrmacht Panzer Grenadiers probably Panzer Lehr, so there will be a mix of stuff on this blog next.

Happy Painting,



  1. Great job! I like your style of painting miniatures. I will follow your achievements with interest 8)


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