

Sunday, 5 September 2021

WW2 1/56th scale 28mm British Command & Dispatch rider.

I spotted these on Artizan designs website as new additions (to me anyway) to my British WW2 collection, there are 3x packs: 1 Infantry command, 1x Airborne command and 1x motorcycle dispatch rider. All metal miniatures except the motorbike which is resin, the radio operators come with a seperate radio each.

Also finished on the painting bench was an Airborne Jeep from Warlord Games, for some reason these new jeeps from Warlord are considerably bigger than their older range, I will say I was a bit miffed at the size discrepancy.

Motorcycle Dispatch rider mounted and on foot.

The sandbag Sanger is by Baueda minis

Britsh Infantry Command.

British Airborne Command.

British Dispatch Rider, Signals Corps.

Any how the Aventine Romans have arrived so I'll be able to progress with my Roman Early Imperial Army.

All the Best,



  1. I'm really impressed with the lettering and the chevrons- incredibly tidy painting!

  2. Cheers, I gave up looking for decals with the correct numbers.


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