

Thursday, 30 September 2021

WW2 1/56th scale M24 Chaffee

 The M24 Chaffee light tank is a new addition to my World War Two U.S. Platoon for 'Rules of Engagement'. Finished last week I waited to finish the ruin, cobblestone roads, roadsigns and tank crews mounted and on foot before taking a few pictures on my phone.

The Broken window is plastic from a blister pack, cut with a scalpel.
Dismounted Tank crew by Warlord Games.

The M24 Chaffee model is made by 'Company B', the tank commander is from 'Perry miniatures.'

The roadsigns are made from very thin plasticard, the signpost is an old paintbrush squared-off.
The dismounted tank crews are a mix of Warlord Games and Perry Miniatures.

Anyhow that's it for now, next will be an M8 Greyhound Armoured Car.

All the Best,


Sunday, 19 September 2021

28mm Early Imperial Roman Emperor's Command base

 New off the painting table today are these Aventine miniatures comprising a Roman General's command base, the jeweled crowned head was in the pack, one of a choice of two heads for the general, so I thought I might as well make it an Emperor on his horse. The second figure is a Praetorian commander, the third figure the Emperor's personal standard bearer. The Standard is a hybrid conversion combing a winged victory & wreath to a vexillum standard.

Based on a 80mm round base, using filler (spackle), grit and tea (Fairtrade) for the ground textures, painted in various greens and light browns, I added some home made tufts and a bush. I thought I'd pick a off-white theme for the tunics and scarlett pteruges to make them nice and bright. The Emperor wares his traditional purple cloak because why not :)

Next in the Roman painting saga will be a cohort of 24x Praetorian Guards with command. My 'World War Two' U.S. platoon has a new M24 Chaffee finished this week, I may feature a new post on it, depends on the pics really as it was very dark today.

By for now,


Saturday, 11 September 2021

28mm Early Imperial Roman Equites 2nd Cohort - circa 193AD

 This is the 2nd of the Auxiliary Cavalry Cohorts, whereas the Equites Singulares will be the final cavalry formation of the Army. I picked blue shields to contrast with the yellow of the previous cavalry unit the 1st Cohort Equites, I wasn't sure about the blue colour at first but the look tidy together. 

Shield transfers are supplied by, Figures by &, painted by yours truly. I had a problem acquiring Testors Dullcote varnish so I now use Humbrol matt varnish which seems to be fine.



Based on a frontage of 20mm per figure these dudes are heavy cavalry mostly in chainmail armed with a sword and spear.

Anyhow I getting stuck into some more Romans and I've started my World War 2 U.S. Armored troops and German Wehrmacht Panzer Grenadiers probably Panzer Lehr, so there will be a mix of stuff on this blog next.

Happy Painting,


Sunday, 5 September 2021

WW2 1/56th scale 28mm British Command & Dispatch rider.

I spotted these on Artizan designs website as new additions (to me anyway) to my British WW2 collection, there are 3x packs: 1 Infantry command, 1x Airborne command and 1x motorcycle dispatch rider. All metal miniatures except the motorbike which is resin, the radio operators come with a seperate radio each.

Also finished on the painting bench was an Airborne Jeep from Warlord Games, for some reason these new jeeps from Warlord are considerably bigger than their older range, I will say I was a bit miffed at the size discrepancy.

Motorcycle Dispatch rider mounted and on foot.

The sandbag Sanger is by Baueda minis

Britsh Infantry Command.

British Airborne Command.

British Dispatch Rider, Signals Corps.

Any how the Aventine Romans have arrived so I'll be able to progress with my Roman Early Imperial Army.

All the Best,
